Wednesday 11 April 2012

Roll Up Roll Up

About a month ago I developed my first roll of film from my Golden Half camera. I said it before when I used up my old disposable camera and I'll say it again: there's something quite exciting about the wait - the wait for your pictures to be brought to light, to see whether you did in fact leave the lens cap on for half the roll (not half but quite a few times in my case). I've never really thought about exposure and shutter speed before but now I shall definitely be taking 'light source' into consideration (digital makes everything quite straight forward). It was nice to see that the odd few pics came out alright from these attempts but for the most part I'm going to think of this first forray into the world of 35mm film as 'having a go' and a process of trial and error.

The Golden Half Camera takes two pictures per frame, or should do when you've got the hang of it. I struggled to keep portrait pics and landscapes pics together but you can always cut them apart to make cute little pics I suppose. Anyhoo I finally got around to scanning them in for you to have a look! Ta-da!











1&2 were taken outside Selfridges on Oxford Street. They had a rather mesmerising window display involving a wooden structure and colourful plastic balls. These two are very dark. One thing I've learned is that I should definitely invest in flash for my little Golden Half so that it can continue to capture things after sunset :)
3-5 were taken at Brixton Village. Mitch & I went to Toast where they give you a selection of lovely breads, a variety of condiments and your very own toaster to make your toast just how you like it.
6-8 were taken at Brockwell Park. The horizontal pic of Mitch and my parents is one of my favs.
9 was taken in Brixton, it's an art installation of origami cranes made from all sorts of paper.
10 is of the mansion at Bletchley Park. 

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