Wednesday 5 March 2014

in an alternative (tattooed) universe

There's a bit of tattoo fever going on over here at the moment, apologies, but I really wanted to share the work of Shopped Tattoos
Cheyenne Randall takes iconic individuals and gives them a bit of a make-over. These are my faves.
Don't they look ace? Loving Princess Leia's "Han" heart. 
He's also done a few "women in WWII" which I'm liking a lot. those outfits + tats + power tools = YES. 
And here's the one that lead me to his tumblr...
There's lots more to peruse on his site including a rather lush looking river phoenix :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow so cool! I'll definitely have to go exploring these after work today!


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